Three Best Stretches for Whiplash after a Car Accident

Car accidents can be dangerous, scary, and leave us with a lot of pain. If you are not part of the lucky small percentage that gets away with no aches, pains, or scratches, it is wise to seek some help for your injuries and have a plan. We recommend making... Read More

Car Accident Checklist

⬜ Be safe and stay at the scene. If your car is in a dangerous spot, move it to a safer place, as close to the accident scene as possible ⬜ Call 911 for help. If you or anyone is injured call 911 immediately. If you are unable to call,... Read More

3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident in San Pedro

Car crashes can be very traumatic, and frankly, scary. Some of us are fortunate and may have never been involved in an accident on the road, others have been perhaps involved in a rear-ending, a “t-bone,” or another type of accident. Many thoughts may go through your head right after... Read More

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Excercises

Every day, those working on computers, those who perform manual labor, and anyone using their hands with repetitive activities, receive micro-traumas to their hands and wrists. Over time, for many people, this can result in a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. But how does this occur? Typically the pain, throbbing,... Read More

3 Common Neck Injuries… What To Do!

The neck, we all have one, but it's actually more important than just acting as a bridge between our shoulders and our head. The neck houses what are called "cervical vertebrae", which are lock blocks stacked throughout our back on top of one another, their main purpose is to support... Read More