• 3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident in San Pedro

    3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident in San Pedro

    Car crashes can be very traumatic, and frankly, scary. Some of us are fortunate and may have never been involved in an accident on the road, others have been perhaps involved in a rear-ending, a “t-bone,” or another type of accident. Many thoughts may go through your head right after an accident, the most important

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Excercises

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Excercises

    Every day, those working on computers, those who perform manual labor, and anyone using their hands with repetitive activities, receive micro-traumas to their hands and wrists. Over time, for many people, this can result in a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. But how does this occur? Typically the pain, throbbing, numbness, and sometimes weakness, comes

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